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The definitive guide to building profitable C&I battery and VPP projects. Specifically written for battery sellers, VPP-builders and investors, our White Paper aims to inform market entry and sales strategy via a deep-dive into battery project economics.
To reach our findings, we've modelled 280 hypothetical battery projects using the VIPPY™ engine, which mimics the bid-logic of a real-world battery. It is the culmination of months of effort from the New Energy Ventures team, and is peer reviewed by some of the most respected in the industry.
What's inside?
Contents snapshot
Tables & figures
Pages of insights
Battery projects
in presentation format
Executive Summary
Who should use this report and how?
Why value stacks are key to C&I batteries?
What we've modelled and how
The Economics of Simple Value Stacks
What are examples of 'simple battery value stacks'?
The best locations and tariffs for C&I batteries​
The best load profiles for C&I batteries​​
Key take-aways for battery sellers
The Economics of Advanced Value Stacks
What are examples of 'advanced battery value stacks'?
Market revenues from wholesale arbitrage & FCAS
The best locations & load profiles for C&I VPPs
Key take-aways for VPP Builders & battery sellers
A Practical Guide to Battery & VPP Deployment
Key considerations for tapping advanced value stacks
Sizing and designing batteries to fit a C&I load profile
Understanding revenue risk - for investors
​Creating sales strategies for C&I batteries
Hypothetical projects
Understand your opportunities, whoever you are:
Battery sellers
Battery sellers/installers, Solar Co's, Energy consultants
VPP builders
Aggregators, Energy retailers, Network businesses
Buyers & investors
C&I businesses,
Third-party Investors
James Allston
Lead Author | NEV MD
Michael Jurasovic
Lead Modeller (VIPPYTM)
Chris Cooper
Snr Editor & Go-to-market
Magdalen Urrutia
Supporting editor
New Energy Ventures
Expert Reviewers
Independent, from industry
Phil Blythe
Founder & Director, Greensync
David Leitch
Chief market analyst,
ITK Services
Jonathan Prendergast
Technical Director, Business Renewables Centre Aus.
Matt Grover
Strategy & Market Development, AMS