At New Energy Ventures, we're constantly asked by property developers and owners corporations to decipher sales proposals from embedded network companies. Truth be told - they're often difficult to navigate - even for energy nerds like us.
To help, we've developed our own modelling tool - the Local Embedded Network Simulation (LENS) model - which we use to provide our clients with robust and insightful analysis. Over time, we have refined the tool to model electricity, hot water, internet and other embedded services. The tool can also be used to explore the benefits of solar, batteries, EV charging and other new energy technology.
Our modelling shines a light on embedded network value.
Understand value
Model the value of your embedded network and how to share that value between you, your customers and embedded network operators.
Explore new energy integration
Model the value of integrating solar, batteries, EV charging and other new energy technologies.
Empower you decision making
Understanding the value will enable you to make decisive decisions on energy servicing design, procurement and commercial structuring.
About our feasibility analysis service
More than just a financial model, New Energy Ventures can crunch numbers for all types of embedded networks by connecting to New Energy Venture's proprietary LENS model:
Electricity, gas, hot water, internet
Residential, commercial or mixed-use developments
Flexible to any embedded network ownership structure
Solar PV with various metering arrangements & funding models
Interval modelling of up to five child meter types
40+ inbuilt load profile shapes
All network tariffs Australia-wide
Realistic forecasting of churn, bad debt, price escalators
Single or multi-year rollout horizons
Balance sheet, cash flow, P&L spreadsheet outputs
Previous clients of New Energy Ventures for embedded network support